must fall into the first gap, jump across the second and third gaps, and finally, fall into the fourth and fifth gaps, where they must go through a hidden passage to the left-most door. should wait for the gap in the Boo Buddy wheel to be adjacent with the Star Coin, then jump up to it. After getting on the platform that the Boo Buddies surround, Mario and co.

Butt-stomp it to find the coin to the right, inside the green object. A little before it you’ll see a gap in the floor. Before the checkpoint and Item Box, you’ll see a round, green structure in the background (which is the top part of a large green obscured Koopa Shell). Once there, the third Star Coin will be floating above the second wheel of Circling Boo Buddies. WORLD 5 STAR COINS COINS HIDDEN ON LEVEL 5-1. should run past the first two Warp Doors and continue ahead to the second Warp Door after the Coin-filled stairs. should jump to it, then wall kick back to safety. Once in the new area, the second Star Coin is floating to the right of the Warp Door that exits from this area. should fall to the bottom path and take the lower Warp Door. Star Coin 2: As opposed to taking the top Warp Door at the first split path, Mario and co.should then run all the way to the right, jump on top of the platform, walk into the wall, and a hidden area with the first Star Coin will be revealed. Star Coin 1: At the first split path, Mario and co.There is a secret exit in this level that takes Mario and company to the World 5- Cannon Warp Cannon, which shoots Mario and co. must fall into the first gap, jump across the second and third gaps, fall into the fourth gap, and jump across the fifth gap. To get to the path that leads to the exit, Mario and co. To add to the difficulty, it is a very dark level. Since most of the doors are either fake or go in circles, there is only one successful path. More of a maze than a typical ghost house, this house has a multitude of doors in each room with some paths instead leading to dead ends. Common Ghost House enemies can be found, including Boos.